What is a Sponsored Project? 

Sponsored projects include grants, contracts, and collaborative agreements are sponsored or funded by an external entity, such as a federal, state, or private organization or agency. Sponsored projects refer to externally funded research, instruction, training, testing, service, or other scholarly activities that are executed under conditions set forth in a formal written statement of work. Sponsored projects have specified requirements for the scope of work, reporting, ownership of intellectual property (IP) use of funds, timelines, and/or deliverables.  

Research and Scholarship Goals  

  • Tier I  

  • Contribute to key learning outcomes for our students  

  • Improve teaching and learning for our students  

  • Tier II 

  • Provide students with opportunities to engage in scholarship to become highly sought residents  

  • Provide students with developmental opportunities to become proficient scholar-practitioners  

  • Tier III  

  • Drive fundable advancement opportunities to grow mission, programs, and the institution  

  • Provide opportunities for faculty, students, and interested staff to contribute to generalizable knowledge 

The research agenda at KHSU​​-KansasCOM is informed by the IHI Quadruple Aim, with four foci:  

  • Patient care/patient experience improvement,
  • Population health improvement, 
  • Healthcare cost reduction, and
  • Provider satisfaction (professional wellness) 

Research is a team effort.


The Office of Research and Scholarly Activity:  

  • Serves as an internal point of contact between Advancement, Academic Affairs, the TCS grants office, and faculty and staff 

  • Helps connect faculty, staff, and students to opportunities 

  • Provides support for the process 

  • Provides guidance to PIs on processes for necessary ethical, financial, and regulatory approvals 


Sponsored Research Policies and Procedures 


Research Leadership Team  


Duane Brandau headshot 

Duane Brandau, DO, PhD
Director of Research and Scholarly Activity 

John Vogt, MS

Research Coordinator

A person with a beard and glasses

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David Shubert, PhD
Chair, Institutional Review Board 

Research Officer  



Kim Talbot headshot 

Kim Talbot, APRN, CCRC  
Executive Director for Kansas Education and Research Network (KERN) 

A person in a suit smiling

Description automatically generated with low confidence  

Saajan Bhakta, PhD
Director of Clinical Health Outcomes Research  


For any questions regarding your proposed research, please contact Dr. David Shubert, IRB Chair or Dr. Duane Brandau, Director of Research and Scholarly Activity 

To report questionable research: please contact Dr. David Shubert, IRB Chair 
