

Welcome to Academic Affairs! Members within this unit support the work of faculty and students to fulfill the mission of KHSU-KansasCOM. Academic affairs team members work on strategic planning, budgeting and resource allocation, academic personnel, academic programs, policies and procedures, accreditation, assessment, institutional research, academic research and scholarship, and federal compliance.

The academic affairs team members interface with all other units at the institution from students to the board of trustees, as well as with external stakeholders. Within medicine, it is possible to focus your own career on academic physicianship. There are roles for physicians in academic affairs, and all areas of teaching and learning. If you are interested in a career in academic medicine, you may wish to navigate to Building the Next Generation of Academic Physicians​!

KHSU Mission

​KHSU is committed to providing exceptional programs that produce forward-thinking, empathetic health care leaders who are dedicated to innovation, research, and finding collective solutions to advance underserved communities.  ​

KHSU Vision

​KHSU is committed to providing exceptional programs that produce forward-thinking, empathetic health care leaders who are dedicated to innovation, research, and finding collective solutions to advance underserved communities.  ​

Contact Us

Academic Affairs

Dean of the College of Medicine and
Chief Academic Officer

Dean of the College of Medicine and
Chief Academic Affairs Administrator
​Phone: 316-315-5446

​Associate and Assistant Deans

Senior Associate Dean of Student Affairs & Special Academic Projects

Assistant Dean of Student Affairs

Associate Dean for Pre-Clinical Education

Senior Associate Dean for Curriculum,  Clinical Education, and GME

​Chief Adminstrative Officer

Associate Dean for Assessments and Outcomes 

Associate Dean for Student Success
Angela Carrick, DO
