For a full description of IRB policies and procedures, please consult the KHSU IRB Handbook 9.2023.pdf.The IRB provides training and support for faculty, staff, and students for the IRB process.
All research projects involving human subjects conducted under the auspices of or associated with KHSU-KansasCOM or Kansas Education and Research Network (KERN) require IRB review. This includes projects conducted by faculty, staff, or students. The IRB has the authority to approve, disapprove, monitor, and require modifications in all research activities that fall within its jurisdiction as specified by both the federal regulations and institutional policy.
No research involving human subjects may commence until all required Institutional approvals (including IRB approval) are obtained. The results from studies conducted without obtaining prior IRB approval cannot be represented as having such approval and may not be published in association with KHSU-KansasCOM or KERN.
IRB is guided by the ethical principles described in the following:
Members of the KHSU IRB:
David Shubert, Ph.D. (chair)
Saajan Bhakta, Ph.D.
Nicholas Wohlgemuth, Ph.D.
Chein Ah (Andy) Hu, Ph.D.
Mark Mosley, M.D., M.P.H.
Michael Morror, M.D.
Kelly McFall, Ph.D. (non-science member)
Teresa Cowan-Christen, Psy.D. (external member)
For any questions regarding your proposed research, please contact Dr. David Shubert, IRB Chair or Dr. Duane Brandau, Director of Research and Scholarly Activity.
For outside researchers, click here to open a Cayuse account. For an overview of the Cayuse platform: Cayuse Handout.pptx
Learn how to prepare your research proposal.
You must complete CITI human ethics training to submit a proposal. Get started here. For assistance logging into the CITI site: CITI Training.docx.
Concerns or Complaints Email Dr. Shubert with the subject Line: Research Concern or Complaint
Report concerns about ongoing research.