Community Opportunities 

Opportunities for social engagement are important aspects of any academic environment. The Office of Student Affairs and Services aims to create as many of these opportunities as possible while balancing the needs of a student’s overly scheduled life. 

Student Government Association (SGA) 
The SGA serves as the primary liaison between the student body and administration at KansasCOM, with representative and officer positions available for each KansasCOM class. Positions within the association are elected by the student body, and all KansasCOM students are automatically eligible to run. 

SGA Membership 
An activity fee, paid by each student, financially supports SGA activities and SGA-chartered organizations. SGA members serve on administration and faculty committees to help implement changes that benefit the student body as a whole. 

The election process for first-year SGA positions begins in the fall of the first year. Interested parties can contact the Office of Student Affairs and Services for information about the nomination, petition, and election processes. 

Student Organizations
Student organizations at KansasCOM offer a variety of opportunities for leadership development, career exploration, community service, education, professional networking, and recreation. Most fall into one of two categories: Student Government Association (SGA) chartered organizations or special interest groups. 

KansasCOM affords both types of organizations certain benefits and expects them to abide by certain requirements and procedures: 

  • All student organizations are required to apply for full recognition through the Office of Student Affairs and Services. 
  • Chartered organizations are eligible to participate in SGA’s funding request process. 
  • Special interest groups are recognized as such by the Office of Student Affairs and Services. 
  • Office of Student Affairs and Services staff, including the director of student affairs and services, along with representatives from the SGA, review requests for new chartered organizations. 
  • To become or remain a chartered organization, an interest group must have at least 10 members, have bylaws that include completion of at least one community service project per academic year, and have a recommendation from the Office of Student Affairs and Services. 

Chartered organizations have the benefit of requesting SGA funds and all other privileges granted to KansasCOM-endorsed organizations. 

Organized groups not interested in or unable to meet the above-mentioned criteria can become a recognized special interest group (not receiving SGA funding). 

Additional information about the new organization application process is available from the Office of Student Affairs and Services. 

 Contact Us

​Abel​ Velasquez
Student Activities Specialist